A Blessed Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to all of us!

Christmas is truly in the air!

With all the food we have prepared for the holidays and the gifts wrapped and to be given away in a few hours, truly Christmas never fails to give a wonderful feeling to each one of us! Our kids are to eager to get their Christmas presents and was able to make cards for Santa Claus because they said they were good kids this year! Charlize, my 9 year old daughter still believes in Santa Claus.  She believes that Santa is Jesus Christ’s alliance.  He will only give gifts to good girls and boys because Jesus would tell him so.

I was taught too that way, that Santa is Christ’s little helper.  My mom would let us sleep and wake us up before midnight. And alas, all the gifts are there! Exactly what I have written to Santa.  A note always there in every gift, “Be a good girl always. Jesus loves you.”

Santa is truly Christ’s little helper. (Well yeah I know he is huge!) He is giving gifts to kids and these gifts are enveloped with an attitude that kids do develop when they received it.  I have developed a positive attitude to be hopeful in everything and that everything will soon pass.  Everything will be alright as long as you do good things to yourself and to others.

I never would want that Santa spirit to be out of the family tradition and I am fearful that in a few years, my daughter Charlize (or maybe after reading this blog since she has a facebook account) will know who is Santa Claus.  But it does not matter who or where is Santa… what matters is what this person brings us… It brings us the spirit that we need to do good all throughout the year to prepare for the coming of a birthday celebrant. We need to do good things to prepare our spirits and spread the good news… the birth of Jesus Christ. 

May we never fail to remember the essence of this season. Forgive those who failed us, continue to hope that we will win in every endeavor that may come along our way and have faith that everything will all be alright.

Christmas is our Father’s gift to us. Jesus Christ is our Father’s gift,  giving us Faith, Hope and Love.  And I believe these are also the best gifts we are giving our kids and our loved ones this Christmas! May we share these gifts this holiday season and continue to share these all year round!

Again, a Blessed Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to all of us!!!

Christmas 2010
My Sibs
My Family
Our Princesses

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