Care and Compassion

It is man’s perseverance to do good that makes him unique above all. To be genuinely caring and compassionate to everything he does, is the true essence of his being. ♥ #blogoftheday 
From the recent events that has happens about Congressman Cynthia Villar answering a series of questions during a debate wherein she was given a chance to defend her answer about  a question a bout nurses, I was completely shocked and (to be honest) belittled about her statement. (See my page for thread of comments about the video.)
I exactly remember the rage I felt upon hearing her that nurses should not be that good. It’s like a flashback of all the efforts that we had back home in the Philippines to become the best nurse we can ever be, trying our best in our own simple way to uphold the standards of our profession but then there she is, a person stepping on our dignity and reputation in national television. 
It took me days to finally make this blog due to my schedule in the hospital.  It must be a blessing in disguise since after a few days after her belittling statement, she did apologize to the thousand of nurses and their families who felt the same rage as I had.  If had made a blog right after her statement, I could have cursed her for her statement.  But as a nurse, who always understands her patient, I was able to hold my rage and to speak no evil about the scenario.
The thing is, nurses or not nurses, nobody has the right to belittle people.  I remember when I first came here in the USA, a environmental service lady (as what they call it here, Janitress as what we call in the Philippines) named Teresa, felt so awkward talking to me because she said I am a nurse and a professional.  She said no one talks to her the way I do because she said “Tagalinis lang ako dito.” (translation: I only clean this hospital). And as we became closer as we see each other always everyday in the hospital, I will hug her  or throw kisses to her as she was old and said she misses having hugs with people. I have always called her Ma’am Teresa as a sign of respect and because she belongs to a company that entails respect. I have always called everyone Ma’am and Sir in the company that I’ve worked with before and even in the companies I have managed as an entrepreneur, I see to it that everyone in the company feels they are important. No one has to be belittled because each one has an important task to fulfill and the company will not succeed. 
This scenario is the same thing about what happened to what I can call the “Villar phenomenon”. Nurses or no nurses, each person is important. Each person is to be respected. We may have different opinions or experience about people but we have no right to belittle their feelings. 
On March 3, 2013, 8days after her statement via national television, Mrs Cynthia Villar in her twitter account apologized to all the nurses and their families for giving such statement. Forgiven? Yes, of course. But her words will never be forgotten by the thousand of nurses who have struggled to do their best in their chosen field. For those who have been reading blogs and tweets, I believe that you must have felt that nurses make a lot of fuss about what have happened.  I understand too that some of you must have seen the other part of nurses where we go to further studies, that we belong to different fields of specialization, that we don’t pee or and hold our bladder on a 12 hour shift (oh yes, and no lunch breaks too!), that we sacrifice a lot for our families to be able to take care of patients even our families need us most. But who does not, everyone does.  Each person who performs their job well, does make a good job. And it is not proper to say “Di ganun kagaling” (translation: “not good enough”) because I believe that each person who does a his work with care and compassion is doing a great accomplishment that makes him the best person he can ever be.
xoxo, tuesday 
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