Browsing Category : mobile internet

RAW VIDEO OF JAPAN’S 8.9 Magnitude earthquake (3月11日地震 東京都スーパー店内の様子)

More Videos about Japan’s 8.9 magnitude earthquake. This is a raw video from a grocer store in Japan courtesy of *Do you want to receive updates via email? Subscribe now by entering your email address in the subscription link! All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying, reproduction and publishing without prior permission from the author is punishable by law. Follow me…

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Are you ready for an earthquake? (2011年3月11日 東北地方太平洋沖地震 発生時)

A raw video of a family evacuating from their house during Japan’s 8.9 magnitude earthquake. Video courtesy of *Do you want to receive updates via email? Subscribe now by entering your email address in the subscription link! All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying, reproduction and publishing without prior permission from the author is punishable by law. Follow me on twitter:…

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Three ways on how to surf by the minute!

I am so addicted with mobile internet and at most, I can spend as much as P1,500 per month just for surfing and browsing. And sometimes I feel like the pressure of using just as much internet so I can get the most out of my money. Truthfully, there are hacked sites where we can surf for free, but you…

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