Browsing Category : nurses


The usual question not only of those for death sentence, but also a question of clients within themselves when they are in admitted in a hospital. -mjmq,rn  It has been three nights and 4 days, but for me it seemed like forever. I was used to a fast paced life where every second counts and every action is important.  But…

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REACHING OUT TO MORE NURSES!      When I opened my mail today and my facebook account, I found these useful information for all our future nurses! This information is directly from the fan page account of Sir Marco Antonio C. Sto. Tomas.      Nursing graduates may now file their application for board examination through PRC Central office and regional offices…

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Registered Nurses for Health Enhancement and Local Service (RN HEALS)

     Last January 19, 2011, the Department of Health announced that unemployed nurses may now practice their professions under a new program called the RN HEALS program.  This was announced by Department of Labor and Employment Secretary Rosalinda Dimapilis-Baldoz as part of the DOLE project.The online registration started last January 17, 2011 and will run until February 4, 2011. This…

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Great beginnings come from God

Today marks the end of sacrifices. Nursing students from all over the Philippines will be gathered tomorrow in their designated testing centers to mark the end of all the sacrifices they had in their nursing education and harvest the fruits of their hard work. Every student nurse dreams to be a licensed nurse… This will mark the beginning of their…

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November 2010 Exam Results

The long wait is over… NEW NURSES marching in the red carpet. (Click below for the complete list of new nurses) CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF YOU! With the number of nurses who took the board exam last November, it is bit sad to know that less than half of the examinees passed the nursing board exam. Personally as an academician,…

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