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iamtuesday: MESSAGES OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA: “A few years ago in 2005, I posted this in my friendster account. My mother gave me this article from the Philippine Star and told me to repr…” “Knowledge and wisdom are two different terms. Knowledge to know and wisdom to understand.” -maritessmanalangquintorn- All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying, reproduction and publishing without prior…

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iamtuesday: Coordinated Earthquakes?

iamtuesday: Coordinated Earthquakes?: “I was about to leave home to send a few documents to our university when suddenly my study table began shaking. I thought at first that my …” “Knowledge and wisdom are two different terms. Knowledge to know and wisdom to understand.” -maritessmanalangquintorn- All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying, reproduction and publishing without prior permission from the author…

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iamtuesday: Coordinated Earthquakes?

iamtuesday: Coordinated Earthquakes?: “I was about to leave home to send a few documents to our university when suddenly my study table began shaking. I thought at first that my …” “Knowledge and wisdom are two different terms. Knowledge to know and wisdom to understand.” -maritessmanalangquintorn- All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying, reproduction and publishing without prior permission from the author…

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I opened my twitter account and saw this. For those who are interested to become a chef, or might be a frustrated chef in this lifetime (just like me!), this may be the right spot for all of us! Join the CHEFS ON PARADE 2011, The Ultimate Asian Showdown! Organized by Pan Pacific Manila‘s General Manager, Richard Masselin as the…

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Certified Wife and Mom, Day 1

First day to officially be off from work and 1st thing in the morning making this note. It has been a month since our 2 yayas left and it seems like a disaster at first. Juggling time with the kids, Carlo, home and work, everyday seems like an endless day. Carlo and I makes days into nights and nights into…

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Registration for interogratis is until March 27, 2010 only. Limited to 50 slots only. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying, reproduction and publishing without prior permission from the author is punishable by law. Follow me on twitter: — FOOD LOVER? Subscribe to for recipes and articles about food! A MUST FOR EVERY NURSE: Subscribe to for nursing articles…

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Praise God for the rain!

It lasted for 15minutes at 7:45pm Philippines time then early morning at around 5:00 am. God truly works in wonderful ways, we just have to be faithful with His promises. With the catatrophies happening in the world today, there is no one else we can trust but His Almighty hands. Have faith in His providence and that His loving arms…

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