Certified Wife and Mom, Day 1

First day to officially be off from work and 1st thing in the morning making this note. It has been a month since our 2 yayas left and it seems like a disaster at first. Juggling time with the kids, Carlo, home and work, everyday seems like an endless day. Carlo and I makes days into nights and nights into days like we cannot even decipher the time of the day anymore. We just continually pray for strength that each and everyday we live of lives successfully, finish our tasks, do great in our work and of course, see to it that the kids get the most utmost care and love that they need.

We were both doubtful at first since living our married lives with helper around for almost 11 years, we thought everything would be disastrous. But the Lord is truly wise. He taught us a lot of things throughout this process…

1. I was able to cook breakfast, lunch, dinner and even snacks for the kids, which I never had the chance to do for a very long time. I was a certified mom! doing tasks for the family, which I never did before. And lately, I enjoyed one of the things that we were not able to do for a very long time, bubble bath!

2. Charlize became more responsible. She takes care of her siblings and anticipates their every needs. Before she used to just read her books, lock her self in her room, watch DVD alone. Now, they read books together, watch together, do everything together! Yesterday, since Carlo is on duty in the hospital, our three princesses and I went shopping and do somes groceries together! Yes, with a 1 year and 8 months old Chelsea who is so kulit and Casey, who is almost 4 months old only. We enjoyed every moment of it.

3. Carlo and I share very little time together throughout this process but I believe that these little times together made our relationship as couples stronger. Our bond has made our marriage more meaningful, making us realize that we can bring out the best in us as parents. These very short times together were also best times that we ever had, comparable to our trips together, vacations, coffee sessions and even our weekly dates. These times made us realize who we really are as parents and as partners. We may be harrased by the daily tasks we need to accomplish but knowing that we have each other hand in hand made everything very light and it seems like there is nothing to accomplish at all.

God is wonderful in many ways and now that I am officially off from from until the summer class starts, with nursing tutorials lasting for just a couple of hours in a day and speaking engagements on call only, I can truly say that I am so excited to start this wife and mom routine. I can never ever exchange this task with any other job I have or with any amount of compensation, because truly, this makes me a great person. 🙂

I can’t wait to cook seafood paella very soon. 🙂

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