Do you celebrate your birthday?

Birthday, a noun that means the annual anniversary of the day on which a person was born, typically treated as an occasion for celebration or present giving.
I may have forgotten its my birthday, but I still accept gifts. *wink*
When I was younger, probably in my childhood, which is much more younger, I do enjoy celebrating my birthday.  I still remember my first birthday with my yellow cocktail gown, round gold stud earring and a yellow ribbon sticking to my scanty, thin hair.  I remember the pictures of people I saw in my album, with my parents, family, relatives and friends.  And each year, my birthday album is updated. From one month old to I believe 18 years old.  Each year is a memorable one. Each year brings happiness seeing family and friends, celebrating the occasion with them.
But as I grow older, (well just by age) I started to realize I neglect having birthday celebrations.  I remember in 2011, I was almost 8months pregnant with Charles, I booked for a speaking engagement on the day of my birthday. I did not realize it first but when I was about to check in with my ticket and identification card, the lady said “Happy Birthday” How awkward can that be? Traveling alone on your birthday, when people thinking you’re going to have a vacation but honestly going for work. But God must be watching me.  When I arrived in Butuan, the staff prepared flowers and a cake for me. God celebrates my birthday still.
It was a different story last year, since I celebrated my birthday with needles and labs.  I forgot it was my birthday too because its been a crazy week for us moving to our new place.  God gave me one of the greatest gift on my birthday in 2012.  I signed my employment contract and started my lab works! I only knew it was my birthday when the laboratory technician scanned my identification bracelet, asked for my birthday and said, “I’m asking for your birthday, not the date today.” And I was like, “So its September 18 today?” The universe is celebrating for me.
This year, since I am celebrating in different time zones, I am trying to recollect angels along the way, who celebrated my birthday for me since I totally neglected this day. I believe that I even though, I did not prepare anything for my birthday, God just like in the past years, has instructed my angels to celebrate the day for me. Here goes my recollection list:
1730 September 16, 2013 (Eastern Time) 0530 September 17, 2013 (Philippine Time)
Recollection of thoughts #1: It was 2nd day at work for my 12 hour shift since I work 3 days in a row.
Since its my second day not seeing the kids fully awake, they woke me up at 1730 which not usually my waking time. ( I wake up 1800) All four of them cuddled me and were shouting “Mommy, mommy” on top of their voices like seems they haven’t seen me for ten years! One of the happiest recollection of my thoughts that day because I know and felt how much they miss and need Mommy. But Mommy needs to go to work and Daddy stays with them. They will always be my babies no matter what.
0125 September 17, 2013 (Eastern Time) 0125 September 18, 2013 (Philippine Time)
Recollection of thoughts #2: Even though I did not prepare for anything, I ate spaghetti pinoy style on this day!
Remember that saying that you need to eat “pansit” or spaghetti on you birthday for long life? Who would have thought, my friend Erica, a colleague and Filipino co-worker brought a Filipino style spaghetti? She shared a part of it to me and everybody. Thank you! I ate spaghetti for long life on my birthday!
0631 September 17, 2013 (Eastern Time) 0631 September 18, 2013 (Philippine Time)
Recollection of thoughts #3: Nursing is a really tough job unless you enjoy it.
Since I worked on this day, without realizing it was my day, God made this day so memorable. It was almost change of shift and yes, an admission! I would say, this is one of the most memorable shifts in my 9 years. I believe my angels are truly watching me. When you are a nurse, critical thinking helps a lot.  But genuine care and understanding to your patient’s needs is most important. I cannot tell you what happened, but let me assure you, nothing serious, no codes, no rapid response! But oh God is absolutely watching me and made me an instrument of His love and care. I started my shift at 1915 and I went home, 0924am. That’s 14 hours of work! Oh God, Thank you for making me love my job! (I can do 16 hours in the Philippines, but this is America! Nurses in America, you know what I mean!)
0017 September 18, 2013 (Eastern time zone) 0017 September 19, 2013
Recollection of thoughts #4: Erica brought “pansit” this time. I did not tell anybody about my birthday and I remember not putting my birthday in my facebook timeline, (since I really do not like attention) but it seems the universe sends a lot of good vibes. I haven’t eaten “pansit” in while when it was shared, I took a part! Long life, long live! Part 2!
Recollection of thoughts #5: My husband called me to remind me it’s my birthday today. I don’t usually answer calls but I was on break and messaged that Charles was having diarrhea. I was so worried but to my surprise, he reminded me too that it was my birthday! Then I opened my email and found a lot of messages and greeting from family and friends! As I have said, I may speak my mind a lot of times but I am a really a shy person. “Mahiyain po talaga ako, di lang halata.” (Translation: I am really shy, only that it doesn’t show.) *wink* I was overwhelmed with happiness and felt totally blessed. Thank you for all the well wishes!
And now as I am writing this, I cannot explain my emotions.  When Carlo and I attended mass after work, I felt the presence of God on me and found myself crying and weeping with tears for no reason. As I say thank you to Him and express my praises, tears roll into my eyes like they would never stop. As I count my blessings while I pray, my tears drop like Gretchen Barretto. (Just kidding, I am getting too emotional here.) Our blessings as a family are overwhelming. It may not be riches with material wealth but riches that can never be bought or replaced.  God has been so good and amazing. He is continuously watching me and my family each day and blessing us with the providence of our needs and enough to share them to others. As I always pray, may He always make me an instrument of His blessings. And yes, HE is always faithful. Thank you God for your amazing grace.

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