Eleven boxes and the American dream

Today marks our one year in the United States. Yes exactly today. And even though I feel so very tired from work, wherein I really don’t whine at all because I love what I do, I had to stop and make this blog to remember this special day.
August 27, 2012
We left Manila for the United States. The American dream is about to start. And what did we bring with us? Eleven boxes. To count, it may be our whole house back home. Brought old pictures, old clothes, old stuff. My husband and I thinks that this trip is not a vacation.  This is another chapter of our lives. A change of place, a change of environment and just a continuation of our goals.
All boxes properly labeled. Box 1 to 4 with our clothes and shoes, 5 to 7 with groceries, 8 to 10 with our old frames, pictures and memorabilia’s, and kid’s toys and 11 with all the other little tiny stuff that we need to bring, which includes our paperworks and other important documents. Yes, eleven balikbayan boxes.
Name it, we brought our clothes hanger, iron, hair dryer, 2 laptops, portable dvd player, kitchen utensils including spoons, forks and knifes (where knives are extremely very expensive here in America), plastic plates (melawares), all sorts of grocery from canned goods, noodles, cookies,  biscuits, infant’s milk (Charles is only 8months old), powdered full cream milk, chocolate powdered milk (Milo), 3 kilos of rice, salt, sugar, coffee and many other basic stuff, which allowed us to live our life in America for at least 6 months.
When we migrated through an agency, I was the only one hired by the hospital and they said it will take 2 to 3 months before I can finally start since I need to wait for my socials and other paperworks, so this made us brought everything that we may need.
And we were right.  We don’t have to buy clothes for the kids for the meantime.  Food was enough even after 6 months. It’s like preparing for a war to happen and we are just happy we prepared for it well.
Looking back, it feels good to have these humble beginnings.
I want to share to you our first pictures via my Facebook account. Just click the link and may this serve as an inspiration for all of us…
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