Excelling in my field may be distracting. But I won’t stop. God does not want me to stop. They’ll just have to get used to it.

I am very young in the academe. I am successful in my own little way. Everyday is a successful day for me.. Whenever I finish my tasks, finish a book, render my lectures, I feel successful. But not as successful as the nurses I admire. I have a long journey to take, a lot of challenges to face… But then I ask….

When did it start that being successful is forbidden?

When is the time that the norms started placing us in a box and allows us to follow what is righteous only for them? I can remember my logic teacher said, nobody dictates the norms, only that it is because most people do it and so they set the norms. I don’t like boxes, not because I have claustrophobia, but because boxes limit one’s potential. Potentials that can never be unleashed.

I lived in an environment were people are the same in some ways … same routine in the university… same degree.. almost the same salaries and yes we share the same number of units (well, starting this semester). But should I allow these similarities to stop me from growing as a person? Follow the trend? Join the bandwagon?

I am a born achiever. My parents trained me to reach what I want. I follow the rules yes but I set the trend. I excel in my field because God has given me the knowledge that I need to share to others. I would be selfish not to do so. God made me excel in my field. He is my mentor. And no one could be greater than Him.

And so I believe that hell may be on earth. Not the hell that people experience after death. Hell may be on earth because of people who cannot accept the fact that there will always be someone or something greater than them.. They play god… punish people because they can’t just keep their business to their nose. They think they can just pull people down. They talk about people behind their backs only because they are too coward to face their enemies. I pity them. They cannot even defend themselves when in fact they act like god. They are simply insecure of the success of others and cannot even talk about their own achievements, probably because they do no have any.

If hell does exist here on earth, I cannot do anything but continue to do good. I am not like them, and will never be like them. Maybe they should start reflecting on how to excel in their field. And if they need lectures, I am willing to give it for FREE! 🙂

And oh… the University of Life doe not accept re-examnations too!
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