November 2010 Exam Results

The long wait is over… NEW NURSES marching in the red carpet. (Click below for the complete list of new nurses)


With the number of nurses who took the board exam last November, it is bit sad to know that less than half of the examinees passed the nursing board exam.

Personally as an academician, it makes me think what really happened in the nursing education. Must it be because of the students, the instructors, the curriculum, or the passion for nursing itself.

A colleague told me, “I hope that would serve as an encouragement to continue inspiring and motivating students to exert effort and take their studies seriously..” May this message reminds us that every success is a joint effort. We can never attain success on our own nor by the help of other people only. We have to strive, reach the top and use whatever resources we have to attain what we want to achieve.

With a total of 94,462 examinees, only 37, 527 nursing graduates passed the November 2009 licensure examination. Again, a failure for many or success for some. But then, what is important is that, may it be a challenge for each and everyone that whether, you passed or you failed this examination, this is the start of a challenge… for those who failed the licensure exam, it is a challenge to take the exam again and conquer it and for those who passed the examination, it is a challenge to prove that truly you are a registered nurse.

To my students, I am so proud of you and I am overwhelmed to be part of your success! Continue to carve your way to your chosen field and you will surely be a good nurse.

Let’s continue to uplift our profession! CONGRATULATIONS NURSES! 🙂

For the complete list of passers, Click here:

List of November Nursing Board Exam Passers

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