Quality time

Inspite of a very busy day. Carlo and I spend time to drink our coffee together, exchange stories of what happened during work and get the chance to encourage each other to grow as a person. Personally, I always believe that it is imperative for husbands and wives to have open communication at all times.
People would say they are busy and they do not have time but I guess the secret is to make time for each other. We both do have our 12 hour shift jobs but we see to it that our time for each other will never be taken for.granted. Back home, we used to have our weekly dates, then our annual vacations. But then when we came here, everything changed. Our jobs and lifestyle kept us into a strict schedule that made it impossible for us to have time for each other. Time is a luxury for us. We can’t spend it without having regrets when it just goes by the day. So we spend it with our kids and ourselves that makes even having a simple meal together a special one. I think this is what keeps is together. Our quality time, which makes our kids grow with our guidance and makes our relationship grow too as a couple. Its not the amount of time you spend with each other but the quality of time that still gives you some magic, some spark, and a lot of love. <3

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