Still don’t know what to do after the nursing licensure exam? This may be helpful for you

Dear Nurses,

It’s been 2 days since the July 2 & 3, 2011 nursing licensure examination has been concluded and it must be very relieving for the nursing graduates who took the board exam.  Some may be scheduled for a great vacation or some may have started looking for a job or training.  For the past years I have been reposting this blog entry to remind our dear nursing graduates on some points on what to do during the time they are still waiting for the results.  Most of the graduates who followed the guidelines found it very useful and helpful for them.  I hope you will too! I have edited a few points especially with the release of our new book for registered nurses. (Other book titles also available with concepts published since 2008, the latest is the Nursing Manual released last April 2011) I hope it will help you too in our profession.  

xoxo, tuesdayRN

Reposting with revisions (revised every end of the review season, approximately 22times since 2006) from original entry dated October 26, 2006 (Original entry written in Northern Marianas Islands, USA)

Life is a gift. Time is life’s luxury.  Every minute of our lives count and it is our will to make the best out of it.  I believe most of the nursing graduates who took the examination are overwhelmed after taking the examination.  For now, we cannot do anything but wait, sit back and relax.  

Any plans at the moment? A vacation maybe? Looking for a job? Or for those who have no plans yet or have plans but still don’t know what to do next.  This guide may be helpful for you on the things you can do while waiting for the examination results.   Check out who among you are saying these statements at the moment.  Enjoy reading!

THE JET SETTERS “I need a vacation!”

You may want to travel but the problem is that you don’t have a passport yet.  This is the best time to apply for a travel passport while you are not in a hurry of anything.  It takes 50-65 days before a passport may be released, either new application or renewal.

Enroll in a driving class.  If u plan to work as a nurse, driving skills is a plus for you.  If you are a fast learner and learned driving in a very short time, you may want to use this skill and travel by land while waiting for the results.

     3. SWIMMING
Swimming is also important if you want to be a nurse in the a specialty area like EMS or nurse crew in a ship.  As a natural travel, you may use this for leisure activities while it can also be used when you are already a nurse.  Oh no, don’t swim for travel purposes! Like travelling to Tacloban from Batangas Port! 

Ever tried learning a new language? This could be the best time too.  While Japan is in demand for nurses and China is the next tiger in the worldwide market, why not learn Japanese or Mandarin.  After all you can use this if you get bored in talking to your clients in the ICU (that’s because most wouldn’t talk at all!). “O genki des ka?” 

THE FOREVER STUDENT: “I want to learn some more and enhance my nursing profession.”

        Pursue your graduate studies.  Inquire for courses that you may want to pursue.  If your plan as a nurse is to be an academician (like me!) or be a hospital administrator, pursuing graduate schools is the best option after taking the licensure examination.  Take a Master of Arts degree in Nursing if you are planning to join the academe and Masters of Science in Nursing if your planning to join the hospital administration.  

     2. MEDICINE
       Most nursing graduates are taking up medicine nowadays. Nursing degree can be a very good pre-medicine course.  You may want to review for your NMAT since exam is every December and April.  Starting inquiring about the requirements of the school where you want to take up medicine. Good nurses can always be very good doctors, well excellent doctors I should say!

     3. NCLEX and/or IELTS (English Examination) 
       Take the exam while the concepts are still very fresh.  If you are planning to go to the United States, it is best to inquire now about the requirements of the state and review for your examination.  If you are planning to go to Europe or Australia, it is best to review now for IELTS.  If you are not planning to take any review classes for IELTS, I suggest you go online and talk to chat mates through skype! Talk to the bloody English Britons!

THE ACCIDENTAL NURSE: “I really do not like nursing but hey I did well in the exam! I will still be a registered nurse and still do the things I love to do.”  

     A business minded person? Well, this could be a great time to start your business while you are not so busy with work.  Probably e-loading, online shop or be private english tutor.  This are short time businesses that you can still do even you are already working in the community or in the hospital. More interaction with people means more business too!

     You may want to enroll in TESDA for NCII certification for health care providers or if you are really into other fields, you may try photography classes, culinary, music classes like guitar lessons and voice lessons or maybe computer programming.  These short courses may also profit you as a nurse. Nurses are born to do multi-tasking!

THE POTATO COACH “I’m really not into doing anything special while waiting.  I want to spend quality time alone.”

     For months, you haven’t really touched most of your room.  Piles of test questions, xeroxed handouts, books and notebooks must be on the floor until now. Spiderman must be dwelling under your bed with free rentals so its probably time to keep all of these review materials and get ready for the new chapter in your life. (I remember when I took the boards, I kept all my review materials and talked to them one by one saying that “I will never use any of you again because I am already a nurse.  Thank you for all your help.  I will forever be grateful.”  Up to this time, I never touched any of those materials piled in a black bag and kept in our stock room.  Sometimes, i wanted to see what I have been writing during my review, since I only had a self review.  I had my own notes, outlines and bullets.  I made my own mnemonics and songs.  I also have my own recorded voice with lectures in it. But I kept my promise that those are part of my beautiful past, one of the instruments of my success. I ready to face a new chapter and that is being a nurse.  You can probably make your own promise too!

       Cook your favorite dish.  Repaint your room.  Destress. Rebreath.  Exercise.  Jog. Go to the gym. Have this time for your self alone.  You deserve it.  After all, you won’t probably do any of these when you are already working.  So savor and cherish each precious moment!

THE NATURAL WORKER “No vacations for me. Better start working as a nurse!”

        Make your resume as early as now.  A professional has always starting looking for a job by bragging yourself to your employers.  A good resume attracts a good first impression.  I remember having my resume with just 5 pages, which includes my profile, my educational background, my training and seminars during college days, and a space for my skills and licenses which I would add a few skills each and every year. Now my resume is almost 16 pages if I will add all the training I had since college (alright, 15 and half page).  It’s okay to start from a few pages and not being able to write anything at all like start with just 2 pages (just your profile and educational background).  What is most important is that you have started your curriculum vitae and there is more to write in a few months!

     Apply for an SSS ID, PhilHealth Number, PAG-IBIG, NBI clearance and other identification cards that you might need. Always have an ID picture ready (in all sizes!) just to make sure you won’t waste time going back to the office you are applying for.  
     Do not forget to bring the original copy and photocopies of your NSO birth certificate properly authenticated. It takes time to apply for these identification cards.  By the time you get these identification cards, the only identification card needed is your PRC license! Woot woot!

       Apply for your Official Transcript of Records with extra copies authenticated by your school registrar.  The workplace that you may be applying for in the next few weeks may need an OTR with a purpose of “for local employment” or “for employment overseas”. If you are still unsure where to go, you may just ask the registrar to put “for General Puproses.” Release of OTRs may take years in some schools especially if the school still uses a typewriter or an Epson dot matrix printer.

     Go for a training.  Volunteer in the Red Cross or EMS. Look for facilities that would provide you training with certificate from REPUTABLE INSTITUTIONS even if you are still a BSN and not an RN yet. (Well, you will be an RN in the next 2 months!) You do not want to waste money in some “fly-by-night certificates”.  Learning and education should be continuous.  Your learned knowledge during your undergrad and during your nursing review should never be locked in the closet forever.  The more you apply this knowledge, the more you become competent in the future. (Don’t forget to buy “Nurse’s Notes: The Nursing Manual for REGISTERED NURSES”)

   I pray for your success dear nurses! As a Registered Nurse and a Nurse Educator from a senior batch, it is my fulfillment to see you all very successful in the future.  We can all help together as nurses and uplift the standards of our profession.  There is no competition in this universe.  The only competition is the competition within ourselves.  You can always be a better you as years would pass.  Congratulations and enjoy the journey in the nursing profession!

xoxo, tuesdayRN

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1 Comment

  • Mico July 6, 2011 at 1:14 am

    Thank you ma'am for this!!
    I honestly don't have any idea what to do now since the exams are over.. my friends decided that they'll apply for a call center thingy but I think I wouldn't be able to concentrate on work coz of the results… LOOL…
    Anyways I think i'd like to try to do some volunteering in Red Cross and volunteer as a lecturer there since I want to become a nursing professor after my masters.. ^__^


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