When the dishwasher goes cuckoo

It was 5 in the morning when I cleaned our kitchen and placed all our dishes in the dishwasher. Piled all the plates and placed the liquid detergent and finally turnes on the diahwasher. After a few minutes, this is what happened! All soapy and the kitchen was flooded! I felt like I was in the movies when the actress tried to get out of her kitchen when the dishwashwer too got cuckoo! I started to be panicky! Took my deep breath, turned off the diahwasher and yes I made it. Only that I have to clean up the whole mess! Got some absorbent rugs, took out blankets and towels to clean the place but my main problem was the bubble. It just won’t go away. I know it will disappear on its own only that it will take time. But I can’t wait that long. Hubby is coming home in a few minutes and I don’t want him to see this mess since must be very tired from work. Messaged my brother right away who is a thousand miles away from me and alas, I found the solution. VINEGAR! Poured out some of in the bubble and it rapidly disappear. It works like magic that makes me realize I hope there is also a faster way to remove all the water that flooded our kitchen. Oh well, you know what I did, I mopped the floor for an hour just in time for hubby to come home. It is still a good day. 🙂

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