The miracle has been born.  Who would have thought we’ll have a baby boy? Yes, only God knows. It’s a wonderful gift.  It is an answered prayer from God, who listens to my heart’s desire.  When I conceived him, I knew well that he is a baby boy.  My God will not deny me.  He is faithful to His promises. And truly He is! Praise God for His greatness!
      Yes, it’s a BOY! It is most awaited! And on November 14, 2011 at 6:57am, I gave birth to a health baby boy via normal delivery.  Praise God for his blessing and for giving me strength throughout the delivery.  Just like my other childbirth experience, I never had any difficult labor.  I was like in epidural anesthesia, wherein I am not.  I am blessed not to endure the pain of delivery and labor even with my other children.
     With this pregnancy though, it was different.  I was already 3cm dilated at 33 weeks AOG (age of gestation), which medically means the baby may be considered prematurely delivered if anytime the baby will come out.  I found this when I had my prenatal check up after my hospital duty in Tagudin, Ilocos Sur.  Yes, I was still travelling here and there when I was pregnant and still giving out lectures to nurses as far as Butuan City.  I had to take medications to keep the baby and had to stay on bed rest for 2 weeks.  But due to some commitments I have already made prior to my pregnancy (since my planner is already booked as early as January) I had to fulfill these commitments.  This pregnancy is truly a miracle for me.  
    I was able to give lectures at 3cm in Olongapo and 5cm in Manila.  But after that I had to rest again.  On the night of November  13, my husband and I decided to go to the hospital and admit myself voluntarily even with the absence of labor signs and symptoms since I really cannot feel any pain. That’s the magic every time I get pregnant, I don’t feel labor pains and contractions.
Me and Dad in the delivery room while waiting for Charles Matthew
 It was 11:30pm of November 13, when we decided to go to the hospital.  I do not have pains but the contractions are getting shorter.  We are truly blessed to be nurses since we monitor ourselves and was able to take care of our well being.  I even posted in my twitter and facebook account that I am already anxious and yes, this is it.  I was 4-5cm dilated upon admission.  This may be the right day. November 14, 2011.
     With the three girls we had, Carlo (my husband) never attempted to stay in the delivery room.  But this time he did.  We were both very excited and anxious.  But our anxiety ended up sleeping in the hospital room from 12:00am to 4:00am. At 4:00am, the resident physician performed an internal examination and found out that I was already 7-8cm.  Thank God for making me rest for 4 hours.  We were sound asleep for 4 hours while my uterus was doing her own thing.  Yes, 7-8cm with no pain at all.
     From 4:00am to 6:00am, Carlo and I slept again in the delivery room.  (Yes, he stayed in the delivery room until the final time the baby was born). When my obstetrician arrived at 6:15am, she performed internal examination again and alas, I am fully dilated.  Yes, slept throughout the labor process! At 6:57am, our baby boy finally came out of this world.

Charles Matthew, born November 14, 2011 via normal spontaneous delivery at  6:57am with a birth weight of  2.5kg, and birth length of 46cm
We are thankful for my obstetrician (ob of my 4 children, all via normal delivery) and pediatrician (pedia of my 3 children) for being there to take care of me and my baby and for hospital staff, the nurses, who are also my friends too, who are there to help us throughout this childbirth experience. I am also very proud since one of the nurses who assisted was one of our former students.  We glorify God for the gift of knowledge and wisdom bestowed on the hospital personnel during this delivery.  I thank God all of these blessings.  Truly life is such a great blessing!
First family photo of Charles Matthew
We praise God for His blessing of strength and for keeping me and my baby in His safe arms.  Truly that He is the giver of life.  Life comes from God alone.  No one can be greater than Him.  It is always a miracle to have children.  It is always a blessing from God.  God must have loved me and my husband so much to entrust us such treasures.. 3 girls and now, a boy.  Praise God! Glory to God!

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