2017 World Martial Arts Championship – Broward Convention Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Getting your kids into sports at an early age is important.  But getting them into sports and finding the right activity may be difficult.  It takes a handful of parenting skills to help them hone their talents and find that special spot in their heart that will mold them to be what they really want to be.

We are sharing this blog for the first time to remember our first year to become a Taekwondo family.  Our kids started Taekwondo in September 2016.  We registered them for the classes for because we wanted them to enhance their soft skills.  Our kids are great and the training we provide in our household to enhance their skills is extensive but we felt as well that they needed to do something more.

Instead of using gadgets and electronic devices, which most of the time they would say they are bored, we looked for activities in the community.  We looked for dancing, soccer, swimming but none really excites them.  This is where we started looking at Taekwondo.  Not only that this is a sport, but with the environment we have right now, it is important to learn self defense and self discipline.  This is where our story started. ​

They started with the regular training doing nunchucks, traditional forms and gradually improving their skills and validating them through belt promotion. Our kids also started to increase their confidence level, self esteem and compassion with other people. They know, they are learning the skills to protect themselves but to never fight or hurt anyone.  Then our kids joined the competition trainings for Poomsae and Sparring.

Chelsea and Cassandra during Sparring Training

We can tell that in each training, the kids are getting frustrated sometimes because they cannot do the usual number of hours for playtime because everything is scheduled.  They do practice at home and in the training school and at the same time do school work and household chores.  As a parent, it is tough to see our kids struggling with their schedule at first but over time, they were able to cope up with everything at a young age.

They have established their self-discipline, handwork, self-respect and respect for their craft and for other people.

Charles during Sparring Training

Yesterday, August 12, 2017, after 11 months in Taekwondo, was the first ever International competition that our kids and Carlo attended.  The competition was attended by different athletes all over the world.  At first we were hesitant to join because the kids were enjoying their summer and school is about to start.  But we realized, the journey must continue.  You might be wondering too, why do you think Daddy needs to attend? Charlize did not join the training team this year because of school and other volunteer activities and Mommy is pregnant at this time and cannot do sparring or poomsae so… Daddy has a huge responsibility to lead the team.

As parents, we lead by example.  Parents need not to teach or preach or do sermons, but to be a role model to lead the team.

Daddy – First Place in Poomsae

And we are so proud of our TEAM! During the 2017 World Martial Arts Championship, our team did their best! Not because of a medal but because we value our handwork and dedication to our craft. This is something that can never be replaced with anything and can never be bought anywhere. We are so proud of you!!! We are sharing our photos to celebrate this great accomplishment! And to our TEAM, congratulations for a job well done!! Continue to strive for excellence to keep moving forward!

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