Are you ready for school?

School is almost here! But are your kids ready? Annual physicals, annual blood work and the challenging part for my kids.. blood work! Who loves blood work?

Our kids had their annual blood work today and I am so proud of them!! I am sharing this post because I have learned something from them today.

Early this morning, all of them are so anxious and no one wants to get their blood work! One was crying, the other one all teary eyed. But I explained to them the importance of all of this. And all they said was, “Alright Mommy, alright Daddy we trust you.”

So we went to the hospital, got registered and finally went to the laboratory.  Everyone came in, faced the phlebotomist and did the blood draw with no tears.


You might think in this photo that Charles is sleeping. But what do you think? When I asked him what he was doing, he said he was meditating. I am not sure about what he meant but for  a 5 years old who can think of ways on how to relax himself, I should better try to improve myself on this!

The best part, they were all holding our hand and clinging on to that bond that everything will be fine.

In these little yet precious moments, we develop a connection with our kids. No amount of money or material thing can ever replace that special bond between a child and their parents. Cherish them and show them your love. After all, this is where their story begins.


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