Browsing Category : Blog

Life is perfect with imperfections

It was 6:30am.  The kids and I are getting ready to start our day. Everyone sat in the car only to realize, the engine is not working. I clicked on to start thd car again and the dashboard says, “Check engine & oil levels”.  I ignored it because that’s not making sense since the car was just serviced yesterday for…

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My Birthday Weekend 2017

Hi there my name is Chelsea.  I will tell a story about my recent birthday. First we were packing up at home for my birthday and we drove.  We were so bored in the car we were sleeping playing and reading in the care so that we don’t get bored but we got even bored because of the long drive…

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Valentine’s Day 2017

It’s the love month!! Happy Valentine’s day everyone! Last year, we shared with you how we celebrated our Valentine’s Day. This year we celebrated the day with a Valentine’s Day dinner and our kids created hearts for their friends. Each heart is personalized with their friend’s name and a personalized message. I’m so proud of how thoughtful our kids are!…

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Hello World!

Starting the Lunar Year right with our new site! The idea came about with our kids watching YouTube and browsing sites non-stop! So we have decided to share our family adventures and hopefully you can learn something from us. What is in our page? We’ll be posting about our family travels, parenting tips and kids’ activities too. Being a Christian…

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I am tuesday

Today, I have decided to start my blog, for some reasons line, I am not doing anything productive nowadays and yet I am in a rage of speaking my heart out. A lot of people has started this blog thing and it makes an extraordinary sense of bringingup the best in them. Eventually, everybody becomes journalists, media men, photographers, paparazzi,…

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