Browsing Category : Parenting

Life is perfect with imperfections

It was 6:30am.  The kids and I are getting ready to start our day. Everyone sat in the car only to realize, the engine is not working. I clicked on to start thd car again and the dashboard says, “Check engine & oil levels”.  I ignored it because that’s not making sense since the car was just serviced yesterday for…

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Are you ready for school?

School is almost here! But are your kids ready? Annual physicals, annual blood work and the challenging part for my kids.. blood work! Who loves blood work? Our kids had their annual blood work today and I am so proud of them!! I am sharing this post because I have learned something from them today. Early this morning, all of…

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Hello World!

Starting the Lunar Year right with our new site! The idea came about with our kids watching YouTube and browsing sites non-stop! So we have decided to share our family adventures and hopefully you can learn something from us. What is in our page? We’ll be posting about our family travels, parenting tips and kids’ activities too. Being a Christian…

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Where do hearts go on Valentine’s Day?

     Last night, my husband and I went to a Valentine’s Day Gala. Every year, it has become a tradition to dress up and  enjoy Valentine’s day for a cause. Some married couples may say, Valentine’s day may not as exciting as it used to be compared when you were dating as a couple.  Personally, though it is still great…

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Stop bullying! No to bullying

     She was so excited coming home from school today. Our conversation:      Chelsea: “Mommy, you know that girl in school I was telling you, she keeps on talking to me non stop while I was doing my work. I can’t finish at all. But I told her, please stop I’m finishing my work. I think she does…

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I promised myself not to look at this photo while I’m out of town. But then I need to stay stronger.   When at times I get this feeling, I pray to God and ask for His love to strengthen me but I guess looking at these picture would ease the longing. So I had no choice but to open…

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