Hello World!

Starting the Lunar Year right with our new site! The idea came about with our kids watching YouTube and browsing sites non-stop! So we have decided to share our family adventures and hopefully you can learn something from us. What is in our page? We’ll be posting about our family travels, parenting tips and kids’ activities too. Being a Christian…

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“Go placidly, amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.  As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexations to…

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Where do hearts go on Valentine’s Day?

     Last night, my husband and I went to a Valentine’s Day Gala. Every year, it has become a tradition to dress up and  enjoy Valentine’s day for a cause. Some married couples may say, Valentine’s day may not as exciting as it used to be compared when you were dating as a couple.  Personally, though it is still great…

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! A Blessed and Prosperous 2016 to all of us! It’s a New Year ahead and what a blessing to share this wonderful moment with the people we love.  Not everyone is blessed with this luxury of time and belongingness to spend a precious moment and create wonderful memories.  May we always treasure those who are important to us,…

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Adventures in Chicago, Illinois

Follow me on Twitter: @tuesday_rnFollow me on Instagram: iamtuesdayDo you want to receive updates via email?Subscribe now by entering your email address in the subscription link! All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying, reproduction and publishing without prior permission from the author is punishable by law. Follow me on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tuesday_rn — FOOD LOVER? Subscribe to http://www.thefoodrepublic.co.cc for recipes and articles about…

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Are you multilingual?

Bilingual or multilingual nurses? Do we have an advantage?  I was in Miami this month of August for some reasons concerning my job as a nurse and I had a chance to practice my Spanish skills.  I have always thought that being multilingual is always an advantage as this allows a person to become diverse and open with communication.  Diversity…

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Social Networking: TO POST OR NOT TO POST

     I admit it. I am an internet person. I don’t want to say I am addicted to it but for some fact, I cannot live without the internet. I call it a necessity. This is the world of information, the world of networking.  There is never a day that I would not post in my Facebook account or…

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